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The Pandemic as a Visionary Rumour

Before I continue, allow me to make myself abundantly clear. I by no means am saying the pandemic did not happen, that the vaccine is a psyop, that masks have no effect or that the PCR test was used to gain cases artificially. Likewise I'm not saying the opposite is true. I am proposing a radical idea which crosses normally  acceptable boundaries so inevitably will draw large resistance and discounting out of hand.

In the hope that something new will happen, I am saying that large groups of people will by nature automatically corral into a powerful structure which creates an imaginary threat to survival. And will stand by that image of threat as if there was nothing more important. Acting accordingly and expectedly. Yet will not be conscious it is doing it. And that this large group acts as if it has a life of it's own much like an individual, and can take action usually projecting enormous power.

A 'visionary rumour' is like an image, or narrative, created by thought, adopted by the collective or great masse. It is unconscious activity so the great masse cannot self evaluate as a group. And science is not permitted to do metaphysics, period.

It's purpose is to create a story about the world which delivers meaning in the form of an existential threat of some kind. This threat serves a primordial 'need' or instinct long forgotten about yet still present as if in our DNA from ancient times. The need today, from ancient yesterday, remains about the daily survival our ancestors lived with as a normal fact of life - that you could be eaten by an animal or die of starvation on a failed crop very easily and so on. So an instinct developed naturally almost like a survival tool and worked well for those families who rendered it with skill. What is more it manifested to those tribes as true meaning and archetypes also developed around that meaning something like stories to them. Today we would call these metaphors as a way to describe meaning where literal words do it no justice. As the race evolved over aeons and especially as we moved from the plains into fields with farming, social organisation next developed by natural forces. This was obviously a real boon, because even the early labour saving devices, still primative as they were, allowed the more adept tribes to shun existential threat to the extent the devices delivered more food water, shelter and weapons. And this original technology revolution very much outpaced genetic evolution. So much so that today our regular genes have barely evolved relative to these so called technical 'genes' which have grown much like Moores law.

So we arrive at modern day man, it's civilisation and social organisation. Which are now so well developed, there really is no more existential threat to defend against given all the protection systems in place and enormous productive power making it extremely hard to bring down the total economic system even if a useless tyrant or hopeless government is selected. All that remains is the remote possibility of a larger than 10km asteroid strike. And of course, and critically for this hypothesis, society crushing problems which society itself creates, usually without being aware it is doing it for several reasons we can discuss later. And even then the power of human organisation is still too great for even that. A survival breakpoint has been passed long ago, perhaps during the bronze age, meaning the march forward will continue anyway whatever happens. Quite a spectacular achievement. Civilizations can still fall, but another overlapping one will pick up the pieces and proceed anyway.

So what's the issue? 

Our genes. Which still operate as if there is very much a daily existential threat. I don't know if these are really genes, I use the word in metaphor, but it may well be genetic. The point is, an ancient structure, much like the hypocampus, still runs like a CPU thread churning out a second by second output telling us to be ready for wild beasts and storms which can easily kill us, in the form of an acutely meaningful archetype. An archetype representing an image or narrative of survival. And when there is no actual threat, and this machine still runs, the unconscious urge is to create an imaginary threat nonetheless.

Now am I saying this structure acts at a distance, between minds. I don't know. I am saying whatever the mechanics are it works collectively, unconsciously and automatically. Perhaps thought is not centred in the individual mind or inside our heads, but panpsychically. 

Now is this archetype a personal or a collective function? The personal one is easy to believe is possible. It's easy to image it operating inside the brain of each individual. The other clearly is much harder to consider is a possibility because science forbids the scrutiny of metaphysics that is beyond our current understandings in science. But this does not mean what is beyond is not happening. It just means we've yet to look at it carefully. 

So these archetypes, images of the world, are as if thought creates images of various dangers, and then worshipes the images it just created, without realising it just did that. Perhaps because the race 'needs' to have the threats to life clear and present to be ready for the real life ones. Today we no longer need them in the material world obviously. But these images are not material world things they are metaphysical. The urgent need for them remains and even when there's no threat present, thought, will create them out of thin air to satisfy the ancient primordial need. And worship them. 

Where is the evidence for this? Well, we don't have to look too far back to see how not a local group of people formed a cult. No, not even a larger nation came together as one. But the entire population of the planet, came together, with all the signals of a cult, without force, without needing to be educated, without manipulation, and immediately overnight acted out the pandemic, very willingly indeed. As if it really needed it. Wanted it. Had to have it. Yes the disease may well have been extant too, that is not the hypothesis. The proposal is that we really badly wanted it anyway even if it was entirely outside of our control to stop it. I'm not saying this is because we are evil. I'm saying it's a primordial and unconscious activity acted out by the great masse of people. And this is what makes the distinct separation from itself and the two other generally accepted theories 1) that an evil cabal of wealth and power is trying to depopulate the planet or 2) that people are just stupid as are there leaders selected, time after time, knowing it will make no difference who is selected in a giant willful ignorance. I do not buy these 2 proposals for reasons we can also talk about elsewhere. On the balance of probabilities they both fail quickly when compared adversarially to the idea of visionary rumours. In a civil law court VR's would win. This still does not prove what is really happening. It is saying VR's are less preposterous an idea.

This idea of visionary rumours I stole from Jung as he spoke about the astonishing advent of UFO's. At the start of the atomic age, just following a devastating world war, the tribes were now facing a hugely powerful new weapon technology and new enemies were facing each other and cold war, barely having rested from the last one. Jung never believed UFO's were real but was fascintated that so many people swore they had seen one in the sky. For him it was a genuinely scientific mistake to discount the visions of a large group of people without giving it proper analysis. He speculated that the great masse, badly needed a saviour, this time from the heavens, to rescue humanity from another potential apocalypse. So the collective automatically created one in archetype form - an image held in the collective psyche. And did it serve it's purpose? It didn't matter that it was not materially real. I think it did by carrying a large group of people through a tricky period. Though Jung thought up the original idea, I've expanded on it here to try and explain what the heck went on during the pandemic. It was not 'normal'. And it can also be applied to other systemic events. Such as the ultra strong demand of the people for climate change to be a real threat. Whether it's true or not, the demand and need for it is stronger. And then take a look at most conspiracy theories, which I do not believe are real. But they all signal something that is in great and urgent demand by large groups of diverse and dispersed people. They all speak about existential threat to be protected against. Mostly from within the present social organisation. You cannot put your finger on any of the culprits yet large groups of people swear by them. They too are more visionary rumours with the same purpose - to satisfy the same primordial need, even if imaginary, when nature no longer serves up a material world threat herself.

4 years later it's generally accepted most of the pandemic interventions were a mistake or at least badly carried out. Most people have either forgotten about the litany of errors during the interventions which the totality of this tribe fully supported at the time. Or we insist we always new it was a mistake at the time which is clearly untrue given the near soviet levels of behaviour by the general public.

Could there be a better analysis, than that this particular systemic event was a 'visionary rumour', rooted deep down inside our ancient selves. That we needed it to happen to satisfy that primordial urge. The instinct for survival needed it. And the great masse delivered.

This is just one topical example to make the point as clearly as possible. Surely there are many that followed - the Ukraine? And so many more before: world wars, cold wars, of course climate change doctrine, you name it.

Before I finish, allow me to make myself abundantly clear. I by no means am saying the pandemic did not happen, that the vaccine is a psyop, that masks have no effect or that the PCR test was used to gain cases artificially. Likewise I'm not saying the opposite is true.

I am saying that large groups of people will by nature automatically corral into a powerful structure which for very good reason creates an imaginary threat to survival. And will stand by that image of threat as if there was nothing more important. Acting accordingly and expectedly. Yet will not be conscious it is doing it.

And that this analysis is more plausible than the alternatives which are generally accepted by large groups of followers.
