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Why do I Still Pay Respect to What the Leaders I Elect Say?

Why do I still pay respect to what the leaders I elect say? The latent goal of leadership is always the redistribution of wealth.  From those who have earned it. To others the leaders I elect decide it should go to.  There are no rights, merit or justice involved in the redistribution. It will go to whomever the leaders I elect decide. And god knows what their motivation actually is for this greatest of all acts of Power?  I will never know. I will never be told about the motivation for it. I will only be given an image of it. An illusion claiming with no clear attempt at truth, the justice in that redistribution. So there is no way I will be able to tell if the distribution is just or not. All I have is the respect I continue to pay to the leaders I elect. I guess this also means when I pay respect to God, that, is also a matter of faith and there's no more about it I can say. And this is why, despite having no idea of the justice in it, that I still pay respect to what the leader
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