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Bitcoin Gets Adopted Worldwide - What will be the Net Effect?

Real Estate prices will boom.  If you own property, you will win in a huge tax free windfall. You don't even have to buy any Bitcoin to appropriate any of it. And its all perfectly legal.  Sure, other things will boom such as corporate monopoly profits and big tech stocks. But these are derivative assets, also containing economic rent, only by virtue of the mother of all monopolies - private property in land at the foundations of every economy. Not only will these corporate monopolies only gain marginally, they represent a teeny weeny portion of the total stock of monopoly rents that will ultimately end up in real estate. I hear you. You are thinking this guy is talking rubbish and why would you take any notice. He's not anyone you worship as a hero or celebrity? Here's how. Its a simple to understand timeline of the effects of any new labour saving device and its effects on the distribution of wealth. It matters little how the tech is manifest. All the matters is that it i
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Chem Trails? Lol.


We can see the State, are starting to work hard, against the common law

Things appear to be running out of control with legislation and those who own a monopoly over it (the state). Click on image for a brief exposition of this above. For example, during the plandemic, people all over, were coerced by their employers and the state no less, to cooperate with masks, lockdowns and vaccines shots. Which, allegedly, the state and some large corporations knew were a net harmful intervention at the time but hid that from the world.  And under the historic common law that would already be illegal, through tort. Now there is growing evidence coming out showing that this might be true enough to stand a test of justice in court. So the state, created new statute, overnight, to cause a 'tort', to their peoples, to the extent that was required to get general compliance. Power, through the states' monopoly of the law. Not only that. This hasty statute, disregarded the lessons of the centuries from common law, without much further thought about the unintended

Is it Really Possible for State Forces to Manipulate Me?

We often hear ernest people saying that during the plandemic people were manipulated to take the Vax, wear masks and follow the lockdown protocol etc. Against thier will. We also hear conspiracy theorists say the elites are manipulating people into doing things they do not want to do.  And so on, and so on... But is it really that the people as a mass are submitting willingly to a Master figure. Who they prefer to submit to in exchange for ultimately failed  promises and undelivered benefits? Rather than saying "no, this is wrong, I withdraw my consent from power and am ready to face the consequences". Isn't it true that it's impossible to manipulate anyone at all? People as individuals simply submit freely. Because people see expedience as the better alternative. Sure, in the worst case like the Red Terror of the USSR, people were executed or commited to a death sentence in the Gulag, by the million, for not complying with power. So who would be stupid enough for not

Power. And How it is Wielded

Imagine you hold a high seat in power. Then separately consider the following two scenarios: 1) One day you are accused of a very serious crime. Which you know you did not commit. And it looks certain the accuser is going to succeed in the frame up. Would you use your position of power to get yourself off? That is would you get yourself off even if that meant using corrupt means such as calling in favours with the judiciary, DPP, home office or police? You may not have to sink that low, but you may have to to mitigate the injustice and you would use your power for as far as it didn't make matters worse. You might do it if the rest of your life might be ruined if you did not use your power. 2) Same scenario, except this time, you did commit the crime. Isn't it true that you would absolutely 100% use your power to get off the hook, without a second thought. You have knowingly commited a crime. Why hold back now? The second scenario is what I think we're seeing with the appall

Government Use of Terror is Nothing New

This one from Lenin. Why should this be different today in the UK. So government themselves can be indicted for acts of terror. Has there been evidence for that recently?

We're the BLM riots a Pogrom?

In both the US and elsewhere at about the same time. Exploiting the devastating government interventions, we're told, to deal with the so called pandemic, various far left activist groups, apparently under the permission of the local mayors and council leaders, tore apart and set fire to entire city centres,vehicle the police were told to stay at home. Not that many died and mostly it was billions in property that was destroyed. Nonetheless, this was state sanctioned activity because the state did not intervene and even appeared to enjoy watching the suffering play out. The media would report some of it live, fires blazing behind the reporter, who would say "this protest, mostly peaceful", and so and so, while the BLM partners called Antifa were running riot intimidating anyone they deemed against the 'soviet workers party's, but almost exclusively race hatred against whites. It must be remebered