This is a bike part I bought in 2018. Today the same part is £290. An inflation of 40%.
But Bank of England inflation is only 27%.
So either the seller is adding their own 'tax' and they have no competition. Or government is lying about inflation . Maybe a bit of both.
This is not a limited analysis. I made it because I'm seeing it everywhere.
Insurance companies are charging a nearly 20% increase in premiums annual right now. This is not to say they are ripping us off. It is to say that their business is all about risk. And they cannot get this wrong without failing. They have to know exactly what the risk is and this is priced into premium more directly than it is elsewhere. So is a better measure if inflation.
Sure, the might be adding their own private state tax too. Given the annual increase us higher than other G&S, it's probably true.
So it's my view that inflation is much much higher than were being gaslighted on. And the bellwether is insurance.
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