After a century of exploiting the British working class, the UK's Labour party has recognised there is no more mileage in that. And is now exploring pastures green such as anti semitism, Islam, homosexuals, women, transexuals and greenery.
Pity these groups of people who now face the prospect of a century of collectively controlled psychopathic treatment.
The question must be: Why? I would say because we, as people with an easy opportunity to stop it, allow it to happen. So longs as it's not happening on our exact doorstep. And when the waves start lapping at our door, its already too late to stop it due to the inertia its gathered while we smoked cigars.
At face value this sounds like a rather brutal thing to say. With so much suffering up for grabs, surely some humility would be better, I often hear people say.
So, I'm going to change the name of our political party to:
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