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Your Savings are Going to be Raided

So the best strategy is to buy real estate.

The strategy, of government, of all party's, is to target peoples private property, in savings.

Just because its there to be taken, and can be taken, by force.

  • state pension - is money you have earned and saved, it is property which belongs to you, by rights. If the government raid it, that will be state theft, legalised
  • inflation - more money put into circulation by the treasury to buy stuff they deem worthy, than there are new goods and services being produced. The only saviour here will be if people use the new money to invest in economic rents, because that is not spent on production so cannot harm it or cause inflation
  • taxation - state theft of private property, of course!
The only thing which will not be raided are land values - because the totality of home owners represents a democratic majority. To raid that would make you unelectable for decades.
