Is the world transitioning to a female form of Power?
* Guilt
* A need to be seen as tolerant
Seems to be the mantra of the state today. Not everywhere. But it is starting to dominate public opinion on these ideas.
The spirit of the law for example is now well out of balance with the letter of the law. The law is very emotional today.
Also the apparent incentives offered by the state to legalise child abuse and rape.
Not to mention a state which prefers to treat the plight of the criminal at the cost of the citizen.
And of course, there being a systemic fracture between a near majority who want to preserve tradition, and another near majority who want to abolish it and it's history in a kind of nessecitated clean sweep.
Is the world transitioning to a female form of Power?
Where traditionally Power was seen in metaphor, myth or symbol as a male governance structure.
If so this would be a thing which only happens every several thousand years.
It's not that Power is a good or bad thing. A friend suggested it matters about who or what is wielding it. I disagreed. Power is only required when collective wisdom has been forgone. That's to say, when the people themselves as a collective have become corrupt.
A people from all corners, who in general prefer wisdom to ignorance do not need to employ Power to govern. Romans 13.
Is the world transitioning to a female form of Power?
And does this make any fundamental difference? I think not. My friend also stated about Power that "They don't understand what they are dealing with". He was not trying to say they are stupid or corrupt per se. But that God is dead, that we have killed him and we're still on the second day and he has not risen yet.
Meaning, the state in whatever form is simply unaware of it's own Power to act on the great masse. It is unconscious of itself as a proxy for the collective it represents. So Power will act with huge force in ways which nearly always causes significant net harm since it is free running and subject to natural forces. When legislation is enacted which harmonises with nature, the good will proceed. When at war with nature, the law causes bad to appear as if from out of nowhere. And we don't notice the good.
It's not an intellectual problem. But one of the collective psyche.
We can see this by looking all around. And I'd say social organisation is presently at war with nature. She will win. The price will be high. And there will be no accounting for the good and the bad. Notice I use the she word to define nature.
This also means the more Power is wielded by the state, the more social life will be in the lap of the gods, man or woman is not that relevant.
All there is left is faith. I am not religious. But it's hard to describe modern social life in a more authentic way.
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