Thought creates an image of the world. Then thought worships the image it just created. Then thought calls this image, Truth.
This activity is also known as 'the movement of thought'.
Honesty confesses, that all I really know is that I don't know much about anything important. And that little bit of knowledge means I know far more than I ever did before.
Bullshit or Wisdom?
Truth cannot be discovered like material world facts can. Much as I try. It's like the philosophers stone.
The best I can do is create images of truth. Illusions, fantasies, which help me get through.
Even science only creates images. Often with great utility too, materially, on the earth. Nonetheless science is all images too. Science has yet to find a way to enter the Kingdom. Not even close. Science is a fancy way of saying 'alchemy'. An inauthentic way too because science claims to be truth. And like a demon in the desert, asks me to follow it.
Images are not truth and I create them to help me to 'escape'. Images are not wrong or right. It only matters that I do the good with them. When I fail to do that, unaccountable harm is priced in. And this harm is all set in concrete by what is called society. Through images which thought created and now worships.
I create images for 99% of my waking life. As part of my every day. Images constitute the world I created - My World. So this world I just created belongs to me, both the good and the bad. So why do I try to blame others when I created it?
I go on to select teachers and guides, known widely as government. This institution, and all the lesser institutions government delegates some of it's Power to, does at scale for all, what I do for me - government creates images of the world and then worships them. When the images it created fail to do the good, it creates a new image to solve the harm it just caused. Is it possible to build on an image founded in harm though, without doing even more harm?
I do this too in my own little world which I willingly created through images. I know this, and its the only real knowledge I possess. It's not very much to know. But it's the one thing that I know, that I know. Knowing this little thing, I know more than I ever knew before. And I don't really know much about anything else. The rest is, well... Images.
Throughout my search I create these images as an escape. The escape is from worldly matters I think are causing me harm. But in the end I figure out it is me causing myself harm, as a result of images I created and worshipped already before. So called worldly matters cause me harm because I already created images to escape in a vicious but hidden perpetual cycle of violence instituted by myself on myself.
The cycle is hidden from me because I deliberately made it from images. Conveniently, I can render images into the unconscious.
For example, if the image I create declares my enemy as evil or satanic, the image I create will compel me to destroy my enemy. This is the primary goal of society and it's leading forms of governance. Not to forgive my enemy, at all costs, even the opportunity to enter the Kingdom.
We're incentivised by our images to kill 'aliens', via social organisation. Yes, society has some good. But the good is marginal in society.
Creating images like this is known psychically as 'an escape' or 'escaping'.
There was no mortal person ever born who did not walk this well trodden path of images delivered by teachers and guides from books.
Imagine walking through dark woods on a grim winters day with the rain beating down and ten miles from civilisation. Every mortal mind will look for an escape, or rescue.
I've create images so often and for so long that soon it becomes normalised and I no longer recognise it as an image I created. Now it has become normal, I worship it without being aware of it. I sent it down deep.
What about knowledge? The most determined student cannot learn it. The highest intellect cannot teach it.
Knowledge is a confession. That I cannot know about the Kingdom. And I can see, that I cannot know about it. That is knowledge.
And is that not enough - why do I need to know any more than that? Instead of taking the soft fork along the path, the well trodden path, what if I take the untrodden path, the hard fork. Would that lead to the Kingdom?
The unknown is not like The Chronicles of Narnia. Once you climb into the wardrobe and walk through the door at the back, you cannot come back again and show your friends. You will have crossed a threshold of understanding, entered the forbidden zone, discovered the undiscovered country. By making your confession about knowledge, by taking the hard fork on an untrodden path, in the distance you will now be able to see The City on the Edge of Forever.
It's now too late to turn back and there are no guarantees that you will make it. And even just looking back for confidence, you will lose sight of the city, you will turn to a pillar of salt having lost the one and only little bit of knowledge you need.
Some would call this a curse. But do you expect freedom to deliver a cosy life... and have you 'seen the cat' yet?
So it's easy to see why the 99% choose to escape. Into images. Remaining 'mortal' and avoiding the Kingdom means less pain obviously.
If I can ask questions such as:
- "why is it impossible for me to experience the same suffering that He did?" or
- "can I find faith without being a Christian or whatever religion?",
... you are well on your way with a good chance of making it. If you ask in the right way, He will give.
Knowledge. Images and Escaping. Which?
Thought creates an image of the world. Then thought worships the image it just created - the movement of thought.
Shall I take the soft fork, or the hard fork?
As I continue to walk along the untrodden path, stumbling over sticks, tripping on fox holes, getting whipped by wet branches, frightened by strange sounds, on that grim winters day in the cold, I approach a fork.
One fork shows a path already well trodden, the path along which you will find teachers and guides. If I listen to teachers then I am more likely to be safe, but they will have Power over me because I have believed what they tell me to believe. I will have submitted my freedom to Power to the extent I've received its teachings and guidance. That will have been a free choice. This Power and my submission is known in the material world as social organisation. Some might erroneously call it God or unwittingly have created that image. But God's will is not done on earth is it. A very strong image.
The other fork, the hard one, offers no such help and continues untrodden and my only way forward is to find out by proceeding.
Free from images, I will be the final arbiter and it will be me who has chosen.
This is known as the way to the Kingdom.
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