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Why do I Care When Someone is Hateful to Me?

I could just laugh at them instead.

And this would be the better alternative.

That I still care despite this better option, means there must be something in it for me.

So why do I get angry when someone is horrible to me?

The anger is sourced within me. Another person cannot cause me to be angry. That I get angry is a free choice I make on the spot. Do I choose to get angry because of an instinctive unconscious reaction to attempts to publicly harm my personal character?

Or are you saying they use telekinesis? By oribing my mind with special powers.

So why, do I choose this worse alternative of getting angry?

Well we know the state encourages it. With so called hate laws and so on. So it's an easy win often a lucrative one for the ego and the pocket. 

But these material gains still feel too superficial to explain it all.

What else remains that incentivises me to get angry?
