Do you think he would be willing to speak out about the 'privatisation of the commons'. A far bigger problem than he speaks about so far. Harming everyone, not just the west?
If not, might this signal the lack of confidence in the west he speaks about so well? We secretly know we're all complicit in something much much bigger, but "my prescious" is too tempting to give up? We hope no one can see this. The cost of this self lie is a loss of confidence in our own culture.
So the price of this infamous date is high, but not yet too high evidently. Similarly for 9/11 and so on...
99.9% of readers will have no idea what I'm talking about here. But are nonetheless perpetuating systemic slavery. And have been doing so for centuries. How many will be willing to look into it and when they see it, "speak out"? None will be strong enough I guarantee. 100% of readers will already be thinking who is this hyperbolic fool. And so it proceeds...
See if this short exposition helps?
I own plenty of real estate. I see myself as a master of slaves. I'm not saying this is a good or bad thing. All I know is that while the commons remain privatised, and this institution is fully protected by the state, being a slave owner is the only way, barring luck, to protect my family, household and descendants from the state and monstrous doctrines possessing so many.
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