My last word on cults, and the movement of thought:
I'm going to tell you about how 'thought' as an entity in its own right, 'moves', without anyone being aware of it. And how thought tells us that its just telling us how things are, as if it were simply relaying facts for us to act on. And how thought is not inside us but outside us, as a collective yet un-individuated and collective entity which possesses enormous unconscious power.
So, the function of thought is to tell us just how things are for us to act on independently. But, this is an illusion. When thought tells us just how things are, it actually creates an image of the thing we're looking at. And then convinces us to worship that image. Thought then declares that image it just created an now worships, as Truth.
“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”
So cults are fine. So long as you don't allow yours to define your personal identity.
Cults are objective facts. But of the collective psyche. Cults have a life of their own too but are not conscious of their acts or power.
We see this in real life when anti-vaxers call vaxers fools. And vaxers call anti vaxxers conspiracy theorists. Or when liberal progressives call Trump a fascist. And the right calls them cry babies. And all the rest, climate fanatics/deniers. Ukraine/Russia. Brexit/Bremain. Trump/Elites. Israel/Hamas. Cults of false duality.
Neither cult can see itself acting, being unconscious of itself, so remains bold and confident while projecting their suffering on others with impunity. There are no exceptions here, this is the general rule when one allows oneself to get possessed by a cult, one reinforces the cult, without knowing.
Bring forth your own individuation. And you will be fine.
The Movement of Thought, by David Bohm and Jiddu Krishnamurti
"Thought creates an image of the world. Then thought worships the image it created"
Am I aware of this movement of thought?
Thought is neither a good nor bad thing for me. But if I'm unaware of thoughts movement, where will it run to? And how will I be able to make good with it any more. Worse, how will I be able to tell if I'm harming myself or others? If I forget that thought moves under it's own steam.
Imagine a belief system. Any belief system. Thought created this belief system. And moving independently of my self, thought takes control, while promising me that I can remain self booting. At a certain threshold, thoughts movement becomes normalised and I no longer see it's movement.
Is thought sourced internally or externally. I think the latter. Belief systems, cults, ARE this external movement of thought. Just like "I am the state" or I am government. And how childish it is when activists and movements for reform say the government is to blame.
Now then. Who is now the governing authority?
Well, if I remain aware that thought moves like this, I, am the governing authority. If I forget it, we are left with a world in conflict and totally unaware of why.
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