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Do not be jealous of the wealthy, and rejoice at their good fortune

I was born in the heart of the poorest African nation
I used to live on a dollar a day. We were neither happy nor unhappy. It was all we knew. Then a foreign man came up to me and said "we have come to help you". Which was quite a surprise because it was clear to all my friends this man usually comes to rob me. He said "look at all those rich people in that land, why should they have all the wealth and you none?" I'd never thought about it before. All I knew was that the poorest people in his land relative to me, were incredibly wealthy, the poorest among them! And these 'poor' ones were always exploited by this man with his story to me about them.

Wealth is not earned. You may do work. But everyone does that! It is granted as a divine gift. Pay respect to those who've been given it. And rejoice that one day you may be given it too.

The Sun spoke to me today,
"Robin, you are not of this world,
You have believed this for a long time.
But you have not known it yet,
Start knowing it,
Open the door."

The Woman at the Market
In the shop a woman was looking at me,
Smiling, but not quite smiling,
I didn't really notice her.
But I knew her intimately, yet didn't know her.
Outside I looked across the empty market square,
The woman was there again,
Smiling at me, but not quite smiling,
Wrapped up in a long coat, wool hat, red lips, dark hair,
Attractive, but not quite attractive,
Then, I was standing in front of her,
She held out both hands, palms up,
I reached out and joined her hands,
On a bitter cold day they grasped mine warmly,
She said "that was the Sun speaking to you".
I looked up at the sun shining brilliant over the hall,
Looking back, she had gone.

What is my biggest disappointment in the world?
It is that everybody lies, everything is a scam and everything is staged. And that this is the general rule. And that without exception that everyone denies this. Now I'm not asking that I stop and people stop doing this at all. I'm not trying to paint a dark picture. It is observed. I'm disappointed that no one will suspend all beliefs and start observing this obvious widespread fact right in front of their faces. That is my biggest disappointment in the world. The darkness is that no one will observe it happening.
