It's not that complex. It is very hard to speak about openly in public. This is a strong signal something corrupt is going in at the state level.
The state, always has been, and always will be root cause of problems related to immigration. Because the state deliberately stands in the way of labour by blocking it from starting its own business and freely starting to work. It achieves this via private property in land and taxation of earned incomes.
If the state choses to import labour, then it must get out of the way of the labour it imports when they arrive. Else it will wreak havoc as is observed every time. The state will be harming the immigrants first and foremost. And subsequently harming the natives.
To all intents and purposes, when the state stands in the way of labour it is effectively 'attacking' both the new arrivals and its own people.
So what is the biggest effect of a state which stands in the way of labour? It is poverty, unemployment, bankruptcy and ultimately great recession in a grand hierarchy of systemic destruction.
A supplemental effect will be to deliberately divide groups of people culturally, using an establishment driven disinformation campaign in an attempt to cover up its own destructive policy of standing in the way of labour.
Its not clear if the state is aware of its rampant destruction because it's constantly looking for a scape goat and does not seem to care who and how many suffers harm from this activity though it does have a two tier preference which is highly visible to the common person, new arrival or not.
To cover up the underlying root cause, which it caused in the first place, the biggest scape goat the state creates is an image of the nation as being anti immigrant. Rather than digging deep to rediscover its own root cause, standing in the way of the new arrivals security and prospects.
Now, if the state had made the wise choice to simply get out of their way, these new arrivals would be helping the nation to reach new heights notwithstanding their cultural differences - diversity would finally be the nations strength rather than its present weakness.
The principle policy of every nation is founded in the two things which would would otherwise make equality of opportunity and outcome a moot and amusing historic comedy - that is:
- private property in the fruits of nature
- and taxation of earned incomes
Why is it so hard to speak about this in public?
Because it makes all members of these groups recently and deliberately divided by the state complicit in the problem. Nice work!
And any maverick who makes a stand and points at this too directly and in a way the common man can understand, will certainly be marginalised until they stop speaking about it. There is no limit to the brutal means this marginalising will often need to take to stop them speaking. We're starting to witness this already in the United Kingdom, in the most grotesque ways imaginable.
Of course, the effects of the state standing in the way of labour is equally devastating to the indigenous population too, even if new arrivals decided not to come. After all, a local person is just as much a human being as a new arrival in every important way.
So to say that immigration is either good or bad for a nation, is to deliberately choose to remain ignorant of the essential and deliberate root cause delivered by the state of every nation. And leads to all sorts of silly ideas about other humans who come from foreign lands as we're presently observing.
The state, always has been, and always will be root cause of problems related to immigration. Because the state deliberately stands in the way of labour by blocking it from starting its own business and freely starting to work. It achieves this via private property in land and taxation of earned incomes.
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