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Slavery, and the Modern World, are Synonymous

Imagine a situation where the vast majority of people, even the wealthy, are unconsciously accepting slavery. As the underlying foundation of society, it's organisation and administration. 


Then taxation is mandatory. As is private property in land. 

And no one will be able to understand anyone pointing out how bad it is.

The People, on the whole, have already accepted slavery and it's inevitable Masters as a fait acomplis.

It matters little about ones sex or race or any identity you believe you have.

What matters is that everybody has willingly already accepted slavery as the way of life 

And I'm saying this is the fundamental mode of social organisation in the modern world today. That this is an activity of the collective unconscious does not mean it's not happening. 

It just means we're not aware of it, so cannot debate it or analyse it scientifically.

Try it. Ask your friends. They will try quickly to escape!
