The so called 'Islamic invasion' of the west is really the hidden effects of the left looking for a new class to exploit.
Why does the left persist and insist on exploiting the world? Power! It is not that Society feels it failed last time and must try again but harder. It is that it desires POWER and nothing else. Power.
Socialisms traditional constituency, the working class, deserted the left 30 years ago when the great masse of working people finally realised they'd been grotesquely exploited by socialism for over a century.
Sadly, Islam, believing it is gaining new found power, is the new slave class being exploited in exactly the same way, once again by socialism. In a desperate attempt to regain a foothold for Society. The ultimate goal being Power.
Since the 1960's, Society tried it with other constituencies: women, gays, trans, anyone who could be tempted with a shift in new found power. But these collective masses did not transfer enough power fast enough to gain a foothold for Society. And though still being used, are to all intents abandoned. Society will still exploit these newer classes if they insist and when their greed sees the chance but not the guarantee of a piece of Power as available to them. But Power has no intention of ceding any. These classes will gain nothing. Power will take all they give with nothing in exchange. That is the price of collective greed sadly.
Islam is a medieval religious cult. From a bygone age. That is not to say it's is good or bad, or that it needs to be abolished or promoted. It is just to point at the observation. It's practices used to be acceptable for reasons only understood by the people who lived during that age. This is why some of it's obscene practices are actively being allowed to continue by the State running Society. These outdated practices are precisely the carrot the state uses to exploit Islam. Islam gets to keep it's practices, right or wrong, in exchange for Power. Islam becomes more enslaved the more it grasps onto these practices. Society gains power in inverse proportion. It is not that this idea is wrong. It is that the idea suggests this is how Society gains Power by exploitation of a particular class of people.
So if you genuinely care about Islam - which I do, they are humans like me, so I care about them like sisters and brothers, you should be telling them they are mere pawns in Society's insatiable urge for Power. Sure, it may not feel like that to someone who is currently being granted enormous free gifts and goodies. So point it out to them, these freebies will be tiny in the end when an enormous and unpayable hidden price is being demanded of them by Power. Meaning their systemic slavery. If they find this hard to believe, ask them to speak to the working class presently paying them with the goodies.
When one is receiving a windfall, it's very hard to confess that a windfall is entirely the result of the hard labour of a distant and invisible donor. Power is well aware of this tool. And exploits exceptionally well with it historically.
Society needs a great masse of people to make any fundamental shift in power happen successfully and permanently. Society will do whatever it needs to do to gain Power. Anything. This is why the law, morals and so on are a pantomime. Power, is all.
Society, though a part of nature, is not a force which is in harmony with nature.
Unfortunately for all of history's exploited classes, it has never worked out. Because Society operates largely against nature. And the effects are to punish everyone, deserving it or not. Nature holds no one in particular to account and rightly so. In the end, even Socialistic Power does not gain.
Social organisation is led artificially as a purely material world function by the so called 'left' and socialism and all it's subordinate derivates such as capitalism etc etc... This socialistic function is severely limited because it only operates in the sensual material world. It has no concept of anything which the senses cannot detect, that is, the totality of everywhere else - the rest of the entire world.
So it's inevitable that Society will wreak havoc wherever it goes. Because Society is inherently ignorant and selfish, its neither conscious of the rest of the world, not does it care about it anyway.
Society only cares about Power. How it is gotten is irrelevant morally.
Islam is its latest target. Ripe for exploitation.
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