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Is Tether Pumping Bitcoin's Price Artificially as a First Step in Making it the Money?

Was the recent artificial pumping of BTC (Bitcoin Core), by printing new Tether tokens without backing, necessary, to make it possible for node operators to be able to afford to keep mining. Given the block reward is now so low that a $100 million data centre can no longer sustain itself at a lower price, the price had to be pumped at all costs? 

A veritable monopoly power, completely contrary to bitcoin's narrative on the principles of decentralisation and censorship resistance. 

Very similar to modern central banking where taxation is slowly becoming a secondary source of state revenue, and the Treasury commands The Bank to issue new money without needing to buy treasury bonds, but dishes out the new money to business and people directly. 

It looks oddly like MMT by the back door, very much in line with its sibling in the current 2 Tier legal system emerging before our eyes. Socialism is the only ideology evidently. And by hook or by crook we will get it delivered apparently, the ends justifying everything, and with impunity and unaccountably. 

Can Trump and Musk stop this super tanker. Is this why these two boys have been sent by a higher order in spite of all their faults and lack of vision. Should they be trying to stop it anyway?

These are the central political questions on everyones minds today, wether they have the language to describe it or not, this is what people are observing and praying about, often not being conscious of that, it can be observed in our everyday acts, nonetheless. In the collective unconscious and the personal conscious.

Is bitcoin, or better put, are digital assets on the whole, being lined up as the new money of the state. Money, the thing everyone misinterprets as wealth and uses as a poor substitute for love. Where taxation will be used merely to punish so called bad behaviours to discourage them only. And digital assets are printed out of nothing and spent into the economy, driven entirely by the 'needs' of the ideology presently running the state - by the present 'censors' and deciders of what is truth, what is mis/disinformation and what is not. By AI?

Who watches the watchers? Code cannot perform that function because it is a machine and we are living beings. Code is not law, nor is it reality or truth.

It's a quite religious activity though to pump up the supertankers engines all the same. The danger here is that a religion with only a material world base is not grounded and only has a limited view of the world. 
