Leadership Should be Elected by Who We Choose to Work for and What we Choose To Buy, Not the Electoral Vote
Electing Leadership Through One Man One Vote is Outdated
This post is going to set up an experiment in thought, to look into an idea that will astonish most people - that one man one vote is an ancient and outdated system which should be modified for present day conditions.
Would you say its true that we all vote many times daily for the leadership which is getting delivered.
e.g. by who we chose to buy things from, sell things to and who we choose to work for...
Today these things are far more significant to democracy than a de facto electoral vote during a general election. In who gains the strings of Power.
That is, government in Power are influenced far more by the lobby than they were historically. So much so that Power no longer really listens to the electoral voter . Preferring the lobby.
This might not be corruption or wrong per se. Because the lobby tends to represent all the employees who work for them to a very large degree. And buyers and sellers in every exchange, do so, because one presumes they like the goods and services they're buying and stand to gain more for what they sell than it cost them to produce, else the exchange would not take place.
Clearly all these actions are free choice. No one can force you to buy stuff. And you would never sell your goods for less than they cost to produce, except in the short term to buy the market. A third party can only stand in the way of who you trade with, which its true is a big problem still particularly the tariff. But though big its still small relative to what does freely get bought and sold.
And what is freely bought and sold or who one chooses to work for or employ is a far bigger factor in 'selecting' rather than electing an nations leadership today.
Just as big a benefit to this idea is that these free and deliberate choices are made multiple times daily by every citizen being represented. Rather than once every 4 or 5 years. So state actions can be far more confident about what people actually want.
Sure, it might not be a good thing either, so tell me why not in the comments and we can discuss.
I don't think we should fear this. Elections were made in times where people had little choice about their work and rarely bought things relative to today.
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