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Everybody Lies

Not wanting to paint a dark picture or anything:

  • Everybody lies
  • Everything is staged
  • Everything is a scam
  • And everyone has willingly and freely allowed themselves to be programmed for all this
But why?

In simple terms, because we all prefer slavery to freedom.

In more complex terms, we all believe that - giving up our natural born freedom and the difficult obligations we're all committed to meeting with that freedom, is very slightly easier.

This is not a binary action. Obviously its all relative. Some people will give up almost all of their freedom for protection from the state or whomever their chosen Master is. Some will give up just a small amount of freedom because they only need a little welfare. There are virtually no souls who refuse to give up any of their freedom at all and these ones usually die young or live the hardest of lives. Or who give up everything. 

The general rule is we all prefer slavery to freedom. 
