Imagine Society is an Individual with a Life of it's Own, Acting Out an Individual Life
What is meant by this thought experiment?
We know what Society is - the hierarchical organisation of humans as it adapted out of wandering hunter gatherers. Society attempts to represent all humans it encompasses, not just politically and economically, but by Power.
We know what an individual is. We are all individuals... apparently, more on this later. The general belief is that individuals each have a life and a mind of our own, divided from all other individuals and separate from the outside world.
Its believed the individual lives by its sensual feedbacks as an atomised unit relative to the material world. So imagine Society is an individual we all understand this way.
It's also believed Society is inherently geared toward uniting all these individuals as a primary goal, one day. And that Society is the best method for uniting all individuals. And that uniting individuals is what nature seeks to do and is a good thing.
Now consider this Society imagined as an 'individual' has a life of its own, just like you and I believe we have a life of our own. That is, Society can act in the world, independently of the world.
And this individual we now imagine called Society relies on 'thought' to make decisions on how to act. It acts out an individual life as if a single unit. This belief is sometimes referred to as consciousness, so image Society plays a part in consciousness. But is not necessarily conscious of itself. Imagine society, as 'conscience'.
Now. Step back while holding this image of society in front of your mind. Find a quiet moment. Take a deep breath. And look directly at the image you can see of Society, What does Society now look like to you?
Write what you now see down in a comment below.
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